Released in 2010, DoDonPachi Dai Ou Jou Tamashii was brought to the Asian market for the IGS PGM 2. It was released only in China and Taiwan. I'm not sure what the story is behind this re-release, it seems to be simply a release for the Asian, rather than Japanese market, of the original DoDonPachi Dai Ou Jou, albeit with a couple of differences. The first, and smaller of the two is the sound. While it has the same sound track it is slightly different sounding, presumably because the sound chip is different. The second is the introduction of an easy mode. The difference between easy and normal modes is volume of enemy bullets, as well as the speed they travel. The easy mode also seems to be more generous with hyper power ups. For those unaware of the original game, it is a bullet hell shooter from Cave, and is the 3rd game game by CAVE in the Donpachi series*. The original game was released on IGS PGM hardware, although not in cartridge form, but on a single PCB. If you have played the original game, then you will know that it's not an easy game. It is in fact arguably the hardest of all of the Donpachi series. The easy mode is somewhat less difficult, but don't expect to have a few credits then be suddenly able to 1 credit the game, even the easy mode still isn't easy for beginners.
Here's a picture of the PGM2 cart on the motherboard.
*DoDonPachi 2: Bee Storm was developed and released by IGS themselves, under license from CAVE. Most people do not consider this to be part of the main series.
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